Thank you for logging onto this website.

It is intended to be a user-friendly way of answering your questions
about the kind of relationship you have with food and your body.


Want to talk to other people
affected by an eating disorder?

Whether you starve yourself, as in anorexia nervosa, or whether you binge and then purge as in some cases of anorexia nervosa, but mainly in bulimia nervosa, or whether you feel overweight and are obsessed with dieting, I hope that you will find answers that will soon set you on the road to recovery.

Despite modern technology and advanced medicine, the problem of loving yourself and your body remains a constant battle in the lives of many people.

The solution is not in dieting, but in finding out who you are and learning to love yourself from the inside.

This means establishing the causes of your eating disorder, rather than simply treating the symptoms (i.e. the weight, the purging, the starvation, the diet, etc).

My understanding of this issue stems from years of experience as a psychologist specialising in this area. Let me share my knowledge to help you understand this area of your life.

Simply click on any of the highlighted words or use the buttons on the menu at the top to get started.


Please note that Mindalot is a private practice based service. We cannot offer intensive support for individuals of very low body weight (i.e. lower than BMI of 15).
If you fall into any of these categories please contact your general practitioner for immediate help.

Tel: 07759 31 31 81

ICO Number: A8155205