
Identifying Obesity

The obese or overfat person is easily identified by his/her size. This makes the problem incredibly difficult for the person to hide. S/he is exposed and usually feels very vulnerable about the problem. 

If you suffer from obesity, or know someone in your family who does, medical and/or psychological professionals would use the following diagnostic criteria to classify the problem. Please remember that the diagnostic category or label is a communication tool used by professionals. Some people internalise labels and then live up to them. Use the following criteria as a guideline to understand the problem rather than to label someone. If you or someone you know seems to manifest with the following symptoms, try and encourage him/her to seek professional help.
1.      Much research has been conducted into what kind of person becomes obese. No unique personality type develops obesity. In fact, obesity can occur in a wide range of people with varying types of emotional and lifestyle problems.  
2.      There is an excessive accumulation of body fat (body weight exceeds the standard height/weight ratio by 20%). 
3.      In terms of the Body Mass Index (BMI) they fall into the obese range of body fat (40-68). The normal range is 20-25. Please refer to the BMI table to work our your Body Mass Index.
4.      Only 3% of obesity is caused by medical problems, such as thyroid.

Tel: 07759 31 31 81

ICO Number: A8155205